The academy structure

“The noncommercial organization (establishment) (NCO(E))
“The state international organization (SIO)

"Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"”” (“SIO "ACNS"”) includes
the administrative-scientific divisions (I),
the scientific-organizational divisions (II),
the administrative-economy divisions (III),
the scientific-research and education
management divisions (IV),
the fundamental scientific researches management divisions
of “SIO "ACNS"” –
the branches and sections (departments) (IV.A
the applied scientific researches management divisions
of “SIO "ACNS"” –
the directions and sections (departments) (IV.B
the divisions of “SF "SFA CMT"
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.” (additional) (V),
the scientific-historical divisions
of “SIO "ACNS"” (additional) (VI),
the scientific-public divisions
of “SIO "ACNS"” (additional) (VII)
the divisions of “SRI "SFA CMT"
of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”
(additional) (VIII)
and other divisions.



“The structure of “SIO "ACNS"”: The full members of “SIO "ACNS"” (residents and non-residents)”
(page W1 from W1 page)


I. The administrative-scientific divisions
of “NCO(E) “SIO "ACNS"””

1.3. The full members of “SIO "ACNS"” (residents and non-residents)



The first letter
in Surname of specialist (expert) or scientist
by the alphabet of international English language



I. Code

II. Full name

III. Photography
(color or black-and-white)


First name






IV. The scientific degree

V. The scientific rank

doctor of Philosophy,
academician of sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”)

assistant professor

VI. The name of country

VII. The name of city
(human settlement)

The Republic of Pakistan

Faisalabad city

VIII. The date of birth
(the day, month and year)

IX. The date of election
(the day, month and year)


the 01st of January 2019 y.

X. The name
of branch(es)
of fundamental
scientific researches

XI. The name
of direction(s)
of applied
scientific researches

XIV. The curriculum vitae –
the universal locator of resource

“Cognitive modeling
in the social sciences”

“Cognitive modeling
in the social-economic
and jurisprudential sciences”


XII. The name(s)
of fundamental
scientific researches
department(s) (section(s))

XIII. The name(s)
of applied
scientific researches
department(s) (section(s))

XV. The personal page (web site) –
the universal locator of resource

“Theory of economics
and economic sciences,
organization, management,
and the financial analysis
based on the cognitive
modeling technology”
[“Theoretical economics
and economic sciences”,
“Theoretical organization
and management”]

“The applications
of economics, management,
sociology, statistics
and their other branches”
[“Applications of economics
and economic sciences”,
“Applications of organization
and management”]

(go to)




“The structure “SIO "ACNS"”: The full members of “SIO "ACNS"” (residents and non-residents)”
W1 from W1 page)

Text Box: Saint-Petersburg city
Text Box: “Academy of cognitive natural sciences”
Text Box: The Russian Federation
Text Box: The state international organization