The academy structure

“The noncommercial organization (establishment) (NCO(E))
“The state international organization (SIO)

"Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"”” (“SIO "ACNS"”) includes
the administrative-scientific divisions (I),
the scientific-organizational divisions (II),
the administrative-economy divisions (III),
the scientific-research and education
management divisions (IV),
the fundamental scientific researches management divisions
of “SIO "ACNS"” –
the branches and sections (departments) (IV.A
the applied scientific researches management divisions
of “SIO "ACNS"” –
the directions and sections (departments) (IV.B
the divisions of “SF "SFA CMT"
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.” (additional) (V),
the scientific-historical divisions
of “SIO "ACNS"” (additional) (VI),
the scientific-public divisions
of “SIO "ACNS"” (additional) (VII),
the divisions of “SRI "SFA CMT"
of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”
(additional) (VIII)
and other divisions.



“The structure of “SIO "ACNS"”: The President of “SIO "ACNS"””
(page 1 from 1 page)


I. The administrative-scientific divisions
of “NCO(E) “SIO "ACNS"””

1.1. The President of “SIO "ACNS"


The first letter
in Last name of specialist (expert) or scientist
by the alphabet of international English language


I. The number
by order

II. Full name

III. Photography (color or black-white)

Last name

First name

Middle initials





IV. The date of birth
the day, month
and year of birth)

V. The gender
male or female)

the 26th of July 1980 y.


VI. The nationality
and the confession of faith

VII. The marital status
married (be married)
or single
and the quantity of children)

Orthodox Christian
(“The orthodox Christianity”)

not married),
no children

VIII. The citizenship (completely and in abbreviated form)

the citizen of The Union of soviet socialistic republics (USSR),
The Russian soviet federative socialistic republic (RSFSR)
and The Russian Federation (RF)

IX. The address of residence
the name of country,
the codifier of post index, the name of city,
the name of street, the number of house, the building of house and the number of flat) (completely)

The Russian Federation, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city,
prospect Energetikov, house 36, flat 82


X. The education

The number
by order

The name of educational institution
completely and in abbreviated form)


“The training-industrial plant №1
of Krasnogvardejskij district of Saint-Petersburg city”
“TIP №1 of Krasnogvardejskij district of Saint-Petersburg city”)

The name of country
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of city (human settlement)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The Russian Federation (RF)

Saint-Petersburg city (SPb. city)

The name of faculty
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of chair
completely and in abbreviated form)



The series of diploma

The number of diploma

The kind of diploma

The date of issue of the diploma
the day, month and year)



with honors degree

the 12th of May 1997 y.

The name of the level of education

The name of qualification

the average special (secondary vocational)

“The expert-programmer”

The code and (or) the name of specialty
the name of sciences] (completely)

The code and (or) the name of specialization

“Programmer-laboratory assistant”
physical-mathematical sciences]

“Theory of information: programming,
vector computer graphics
and genic algorithms”

The number
by order

The name of educational institution
completely and in abbreviated form)


“The Saint-Petersburg state
electrotechnical university "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI")

The name of country
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of city (human settlement)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The Russian Federation (RF)

Saint-Petersburg city (SPb. city)

The name of faculty
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of chair
completely and in abbreviated form)

the faculty “Computer technologies
and informatics (computer science)” (“CT and I”)

the chair “Automatics
and control processes” (“A and CP”)

The series of diploma

The number of diploma

The kind of diploma

The date of issue of the diploma
the day, month and year)



with honors degree

the 11th of February 2003 y.

The name of the level of education

The name of qualification



The code and (or) the name of specialty
the name of sciences] (completely)

The code and (or) the name of specialization

“Control and informatics (computer science)
in technical systems”
technical sciences]

“Informatics (computer science)”,
“Theory of information”,
“Theory of automatic control”
and “The information-educational environments”

The number
by order

The name of educational institution
completely and in abbreviated form)


“The Saint-Petersburg state
electrotechnical university "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI")

The name of country
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of city (human settlement)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The Russian Federation (RF)

Saint-Petersburg city (SPb. city)

The name of faculty
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of chair
completely and in abbreviated form)

the faculty “Military training” (“MT”)

the chair “Submarines” (“SM”)

The series of diploma

The number of diploma

The kind of diploma

The date of issue of the diploma
the day, month and year)



with honors degree

the 11th of February 2003 y.

The name of the level of education

The name of qualification



The code and (or) the name of specialty
the name of sciences] (completely)

The code and (or) the name of specialization

“Operation and repair
of ship fighting information
control systems”
(automated control systems
of submarines)

military sciences]

of “The Military-naval fleet
of The Russian Federation” (“NAVY of RF”),
“The military unit 3 (“MU-3)

The number
by order

The name of educational institution
completely and in abbreviated form)


“The international banking institute” (“IBI”)

The name of country
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of city (human settlement)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The Russian Federation (RF)

Saint-Petersburg city (SPb. city)

The name of faculty
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of chair
completely and in abbreviated form)

the faculty
Professional retraining
and improvement of professional skill” (“PR and IPS”)

the chair “Banking” (“B”)

The series of diploma

The number of diploma

The kind of diploma

The date of issue of the diploma
the day, month and year)



with honors degree

the 24th of June 2004 y.

The name of the level of education

The name of qualification



The code and (or) the name of specialty
the name of sciences] (completely)

The code and (or) the name of specialization

“Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
enterprises and (credit) organizations)
economic sciences]



XI. The scientific degree
the name of scientific degree,
the name of educational, scientific, military or other organization,
the date of award of the scientific degree (the day, month and year) and the reason of award of the scientific degree)

The number
by order

The name of scientific degree
completely and in abbreviated form)


academician of sciences (acad. s.)

The name of educational, scientific, military or other organization
completely and in abbreviated form)

“The state international organization
Academy of cognitive natural sciences" (“SIO "ACNS")

The name of country
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of city (human settlement)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The Russian Federation (RF)

Saint-Petersburg city (SPb. city)

The name of faculty
or branch (direction)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of chair
or section
completely and in abbreviated form)



The series of document

The number of document

The kind of document

The date of issue of document
the day, month and year)




the 01st of August 2008 y.

The code and (or) the name of specialty
the name of sciences] (completely)

The code and (or) the name of specialization



The date of award of the scientific degree
the day, month and year) (completely)

The reason of award of the scientific degree

the 01st of August 2008 y. (at the territory of RF),
the 01st of January 2013 y.
at the international level
the participation in “The international scientific competition
named after A. Nobel”)

the development
of “The noncommercial organization (establishment)
state international organization
Academy of cognitive natural sciences""

The number
by order

The name of scientific degree
completely and in abbreviated form)


academician of natural sciences (acad. nat. s.)

The name of educational, scientific, military or other organization
completely and in abbreviated form)

“The state international organization
Academy of cognitive natural sciences" (“SIO "ACNS")

The name of country
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of city (human settlement)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The Russian Federation (RF)

Saint-Petersburg city (SPb. city)

The name of faculty
or branch (direction)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of chair
or section
completely and in abbreviated form)



The series of document

The number of document

The kind of document

The date of issue of document
the day, month and year)




the 01st of January 2013 y.

The code and (or) the name of specialty
the name of sciences] (completely)

The code and (or) the name of specialization



The date of award of the scientific degree
the day, month and year) (completely)

The reason of award of the scientific degree

the 01st of August 2008 y. (at the territory of RF),
the 01st of January 2013 y.
at the international level
the participation in “The international scientific competition
named after A. Nobel”)

the development
of “The noncommercial organization (establishment)
scientific-educational consortium
System and the financial analysis based on
the cognitive modeling technology""
“The noncommercial organization (establishment)
international organization
Academy of cognitive natural sciences""»
“NCO(E) "SIO "ACNS""),
“The noncommercial organization (establishment)
scientific-research institute
System and the financial analysis based on
the cognitive modeling technology"
of "The Russian academy of (natural) sciences"
named after Veniaminov V.N."
“NCO(E) "SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N."),
“The noncommercial organization (establishment)
scientific fund
System and the financial analysis based on
the cognitive modeling technology"
named after Prokopenko N.A."
n. a. Prokopenko N.A."),
“The noncommercial organization (establishment)
Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre
named after Brezhnev L.I."
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology
named after Sobchak A.A."
“NCO(E) "SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."),
“The noncommercial organization (establishment)
scientific-educational centre
System and the financial analysis based on
the cognitive modeling technology in the medicine"
of "The Russian academy of medical sciences"
named after academician Burdenko N.N."
“NCO(E) "SEC "SFA CMT in the medicine" of "RAMS"
n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.")

XII. The scientific rank
the name of scientific rank,
the name of educational, scientific, military or other organization,
the date of award of the scientific rank (the day, month and year) and the reason of award of the scientific rank)

The number
by order

The name of scientific rank
completely and in abbreviated form)


"the author of the unique technology" of cognitive modeling
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments,
the financial analysis of the (credit) organizations
and the complex analysis of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena
nuclear polymers) at the micro-level” (“AUT CMT SFA”)

The name of educational, scientific, military or other organization
completely and in abbreviated form)

“The Saint-Petersburg state electrotechnical university "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”
the first part“The cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of information-educational environments”),
“The international banking institute” (“IBI”)
the second part“The cognitive modeling technology
for the financial analysis of the (credit) organizations”),
“The Saint-Petersburg state university” (“SPbSU”)
the third part“The cognitive modeling technology
for the complex analysis of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena (nuclear polymers))
and “The Executive office of The President of RF” and “The Executive office of The Government of RF”
"The unique technology" of cognitive modeling
for the system analysis of the information-educational environments,
the financial analysis of the (credit) organizations
and the complex analysis of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena
nuclear polymers) at the micro-level”)
according to the items 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1547 and 1551 of “The civil codex (CC) of RF”]

The name of country
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of city (human settlement)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The Russian Federation (RF)

Saint-Petersburg city (SPb. city)

The name of faculty
or branch (direction)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of chair
or section
completely and in abbreviated form)



The series of document

The number of document

The kind of document

The date of issue of document
the day, month and year)



“The civil codex of RF”

the 24th of June 2004 y.

The code and (or) the name of specialty
the name of sciences] (completely)

The code and (or) the name of specialization



The date of award of the scientific rank
the day, month and year) (completely)

The reason of award of the scientific rank

the 24th of June 2004 y.

the development of "the unique technology"
of cognitive modeling
for the system analysis
of the information-educational environments,
the financial analysis
of the (credit) organizations
and the complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena
nuclear polymers) at the micro-level”
according to the items 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545,
1546, 1547
and 1551 of “CC of RF”]

The number
by order

The name of scientific rank
completely and in abbreviated form)


The Honorary rank “The founder of the scientific direction”
“Cognitive informatics (computer science), the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis”
[according to the decision of “The Presidium of
"The Russian academy of natural science"
(the protocol
699 from the 08.06.2018 y.)],
. r. “Found.of sci. dir.” “CI, CMT SFA”
. to the dec. of “The Presid. of "RANS"”
(the prot
. №699 from the 08.06.18 y.)]

The name of educational, scientific, military or other organization
completely and in abbreviated form)

“The Russian academy of natural science” (“RANS”)

The name of country
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of city (human settlement)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The Russian Federation (RF)

Saint-Petersburg city (SPb. city)

The name of faculty
or branch (direction)
completely and in abbreviated form)

The name of chair
or section
completely and in abbreviated form)



The series of document

The number of document

The kind of document

The date of issue of document
the day, month and year)




the 08th of June 2018 y.

The code and (or) the name of specialty
the name of sciences] (completely)

The code and (or) the name of specialization



The date of award of the scientific rank
the day, month and year) (completely)

The reason of award of the scientific rank

the 08th of June 2018 y.

the development of the academic
scientific direction
“Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis”


XIII. The branch(es) and the section(s) of the fundamental scientific researches of “SIO "ACNS"
the name(s) of branch(es) of the fundamental scientific researches
and the name(s) of section(s) of the fundamental scientific researches)

The number
by order

The codificator

The name of branch
of the fundamental scientific researches



all (see the information resource,

The number
by order

The codificator

The name of section
of the fundamental scientific researches



all (see the information resource,

XIV. The direction(s) and the section(s) of the applied scientific researches of “SIO "ACNS"
the name(s) of direction(s) of the applied scientific researches
and the name(s) of section(s) of the applied scientific researches)

The number
by order

The codificator

The name of direction
of the applied scientific researches



all (see the information resource,

The number
by order

The codificator

The name of section
of the applied scientific researches



all (see the information resource,


XV. The details about publications
the quantity of textbooks and methodical manuals
methodical instructions to laboratory works);
the quantity of learning manuals and monographies (with coauthors);
the quantity of learning manuals and monographies (without coauthors);
the quantity of reports on SRW;
the quantity of scientific articles in scientific journals;
the quantity of scientific reports in the materials of international scientific conferences)

intotal 265 scientific works in the official list of scientific works – 2018 y.:
textbook (1 volume) and 3 methodical instructions to laboratory works
on the discipline “Informatics (computer science)”;
textbook (10 volumes) on the discipline “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”;
learning manuals and monographies (with coauthors),
from them 2 sections in collective monography of “IHEAS”;
learning manuals and monographies (without coauthors);
reports on the individual initiative SRW;
scientific articles in scientific journals recommended by “HAC of RF”,
from them 5 scientific articles deposited in "VINITI" of "RAS";
scientific reports in the materials of 38 international scientific conferences

XVI. The sphere of scientific interests
the names of sciences, the names of areas of sciences and the names of branches of sciences)

the system and financial analysis and control (management), information technologies,
information-educational environments,
automated training systems (at distance),
innovative architectures and algorithms in the basis of automation means,
the (unique) the cognitive modeling technology, (cognitive) informatics,
Psychophysiology of perception, cognitive psychology and applied linguistics


XVII. The last place of work and post
the name of organization, the name of subordinated organization,
the name of division, the name of post,
the name of country,
the work address: the codificator of post index, the name of city,
the name of street, the number of house, the building of house and the number of cabinet)

The number
by order

The name of organization
and the name of subordinated organization
(completely and in abbreviated form)


“The Saint-Petersburg state
electrotechnical university "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI")

The name of division

The name of post

the faculty “Computer technologies
and informatics (computer science)” (“CT and I”),
the chair “Automatics
and control processes” (“A and CP”)

the postgraduate-student of full (day) postgraduate-study
with the submission of the dissertation work
on the 07th of June 2005 y.

The date of start of work

The date of expiration of work

the 01st of May 2003 y.

the 18th of May 2007 y.

The work address (completely)

The Russian Federation, 197376, Saint-Petersburg city, street Professor Popov, house 5

The number
by order

The name of organization
and the name of subordinated organization
completely and in abbreviated form)


“The Saint-Petersburg state
electrotechnical university "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI")

The name of division

The name of post

the faculty “Computer technologies
and informatics (computer science)” (“CT and I”),
the chair “Automatics
and control processes” (“A and CP”)

the teacher of the discipline
“Intellectual technologies
and representation of knowledge”:
independently gave
the practical training
in two groups of full-time department
assistant of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI")

The date of start of work

The date of expiration of work

the 01st of September 2003 y.

the 31st of August 2006 y.

The work address (completely)

The Russian Federation, 197376, Saint-Petersburg city, street Professor Popov, house 5

The number
by order

The name of organization
and the name of subordinated organization
completely and in abbreviated form)


“The Saint-Petersburg state
electrotechnical university "LETI" named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)” (“SPbSETU "LETI")

The name of division

The name of post

the faculty “Computer technologies
and informatics (computer science)” (“CT and I”),
the chair “Automatics
and control processes” (“A and CP”)

the teacher of the discipline
“Informatics (computer science)”
independently developed
the methodical support):
gave lectures in six groups of full-time department
and two groups of evening department
and carried out the laboratory practical work
in three groups of full-time department
and two groups of evening department
assistant of the chair “A and CP” of “SPbSETU "LETI")

The date of start of work

The date of expiration of work

the 01st of September 2004 y.

the 31st of August 2010 y.

The work address (completely)

The Russian Federation, 197376, Saint-Petersburg city, street Professor Popov, house 5

The number
by order

The name of organization
and the name of subordinated organization
completely and in abbreviated form)


“The state international organization
Academy of cognitive natural sciences" (“SIO "ACNS")

The name of division

The name of post

“The Presidium of "SIO "ACNS""

“The President of "SIO "ACNS""

The date of start of work

The date of expiration of work

the 01st of January 2013 y.


The work address (completely)

The Russian Federation, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city, prospect Energetikov, house 36, flat 82

The number
by order

The name of organization
and the name of subordinated organization
completely and in abbreviated form)


“The scientific-educational consortium
System and the financial analysis
based on cognitive modeling technology" (“SEC "SFA CMT")

The name of division

The name of post

“The Presidium of "SEC "SFA CMT""

“The President of "SEC "SFA CMT""

The date of start of work

The date of expiration of work

the 01st of January 2013 y.


The work address (completely)

The Russian Federation, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city, prospect Energetikov, house 36, flat 82


XIX. The contacts
the electronic address of information resource “WWW” (home and work),
the electronic address of electronic post “Email” (home and work),
the home post address (the name of country,
the codificator of post index, the name of city,
the name of street, the number of house, the building of house and the number of flat),
the work post address (the name of country,
the codificator of post index, the name of city,
the name of street, the number of house, the building of house and the number of cabinet).

The electronic address of information resource WWW

home (completely)

work (completely),,,,,,,,,,

The electronic address of electronic post Email»

home (completely)

work (completely) (primary) [not working], (
primary) [not working], (
secondary) [not working], (
secondary) [not working], (
primary) [not working], (
primary), (
secondary), (
secondary) (primary), (
secondary), (
primary) [not working], (
primary), (
secondary), (
primary) [not working], (
primary), (
secondary), (
primary) [not working], (
primary), (
secondary), (
primary) [not working], (
primary), (
secondary), (
primary) [not working]

The post address

home (completely)

work (completely)

The Russian Federation,
Saint-Petersburg city,
prospect Energetikov, house 36, flat 82

The Russian Federation,
Saint-Petersburg city,
prospect Energetikov, house 36, flat 82




“The structure “SIO "ACNS"”: The President of “SIO "ACNS"””
1 from 1 page)

Text Box: Saint-Petersburg city
Text Box: “Academy of cognitive natural sciences”
Text Box: The Russian Federation
Text Box: The state international organization