“The vacancies of “SIO "ACNS"”” (page 1 from 3 pages)


I. The administrative-scientific divisions
of “NCO
(E) “SIO "ACNS"””

1.1. The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
, academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.

1.2. The (Co)Presidents of “SIO "ACNS"” (residents and nonresidents)
the code of vacancy (CO PR ACNS)

1.3. The Vice-Presidents of “SIO "ACNS"” (residents and nonresidents)
the code of vacancy (VC PR ACNS)

1.4. The secretary-reviewer of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (SR PR

1.5. The assistant of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the communications with the international academies of sciences (IAS) (residents and nonresidents) –
the code of vacancy (ASS PR ACNS IAS)

1.6. The assistant of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the communications with the academies of (natural) sciences (A(N)S) (residents and nonresidents) –
the code of vacancy (ASS PR ACNS A(N)S)

1.7. The assistant of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the communications with the scientific-research institutes (SRI) (residents and nonresidents) –
the code of vacancy (ASS PR ACNS SRI)

1.8. The assistant of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the communications with the scientific-research centres (SRC) (residents and nonresidents) –
the code of vacancy (ASS PR ACNS SRC)

1.9. The assistant of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the communications with the scientific funds (SF) (residents and nonresidents) –
the code of vacancy (ASS PR ACNS SF)

1.10. The assistant of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the communications with the other organizations (residents and nonresidents) –
the code of vacancy (ASS PR ACNS OTH)

1.11. The members of The Presidium of “SIO "ACNS" (residents and nonresidents)
the code of vacancy (M PR ACNS)

1.12. The full members of “SIO "ACNS"” (residents and nonresidents) –
the code of vacancy (A M ACNS)

1.13. The members-correspondents of “SIO "ACNS"” (residents and nonresidents) –
the code of vacancy (M CORR ACNS)


II. The scientific-organizational divisions
of “NCO
(E) “SIO "ACNS"””

2.1. “The scientific council” of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the physical-mathematical sciences, technical science,
social sciences, economic sciences,
chemical sciences, biological sciences, medical sciences,
sports sciences and military sciences
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)

2.1.1. The chairman of “The scientific council” of “SIO "ACNS"”
“AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.

2.1.2. The scientific secretary of “The scientific council” of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (SC SC ACNS)

2.1.3. The secretary of “The scientific council” of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (S SC ACNS)

2.1.4. The members of “The scientific council” of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M CS ACNS)


2.2. The scientific schools of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)

2.2.1. The scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the physical-mathematical sciences
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The head of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the physical-mathematical sciences

the code of vacancy (H SSc ACNS PhMS) The scientific secretary of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the physical-mathematical sciences

the code of vacancy (SS SSc ACNS PhMS) The employees of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the physical-mathematical sciences

the code of vacancy (E SSc ACNS PhMS)


2.2.2. The scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the technical sciences
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The head of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the technical sciences

the code of vacancy (H SSc ACNS TS) The scientific secretary of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the technical sciences

the code of vacancy (SS SSc ACNS TS) The employees of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the technical sciences

the code of vacancy (E SSc ACNS TS)


2.2.3. The scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the social sciences
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The head of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the social sciences

the code of vacancy (H SSc ACNS SOCS) The scientific secretary of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the social sciences

the code of vacancy (SS SSc ACNS SOCS) The employees of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the social sciences

the code of vacancy (E SSc ACNS SS)


2.2.4. The scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the economic sciences
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The head of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the economic sciences

the code of vacancy (H SSc ACNS ES) The scientific secretary of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the economic sciences

the code of vacancy (SS SSc ACNS ES) The employees of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the economic sciences

the code of vacancy (E SSc ACNS ES)


2.2.5. The scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the chemical sciences
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The head of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the chemical sciences

the code of vacancy (H SSc ACNS ChS) The scientific secretary of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the chemical sciences

the code of vacancy (SS SSc ACNS ChS) The employees of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the chemical sciences

the code of vacancy (E SSc ACNS ChS)


2.2.6. The scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the biological sciences
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The head of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the biological sciences

the code of vacancy (H SSc ACNS BS) The scientific secretary of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the biological sciences

the code of vacancy (SS SSc ACNS BS) The employees of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the biological sciences

the code of vacancy (E SSc ACNS BS)


2.2.7. The scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the medical sciences
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The head of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the medical sciences

the code of vacancy (H SSc ACNS MS) The scientific secretary of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the medical sciences

the code of vacancy (SS SSc ACNS MS) The employees of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the medical sciences

the code of vacancy (E SSc ACNS MS)


2.2.8. The scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the sports sciences
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The head of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the sports sciences

the code of vacancy (H SSc ACNS SS) The scientific secretary of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the sports sciences

the code of vacancy (SS SSc ACNS SS) The employees of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the sports sciences

the code of vacancy (E SSc ACNS SS)


2.2.9. The scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the military sciences
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The head of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the military sciences

the code of vacancy (H SSc ACNS MILS) The scientific secretary of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the military sciences

the code of vacancy (SS SSc ACNS MILS) The employees of the scientific school of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the military sciences

the code of vacancy (E SSc ACNS MILS)


2.3. The scientific archive of “The scientific council” and the scientific schools of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)

2.3.1. The manager of the scientific archive of “The scientific council” of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M SA SC ACNS)

2.3.2. The employees of the scientific archive of “The scientific council” of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E SA SC ACNS)


2.4. The dissertation councils of “SIO "ACNS"”
(the objects and subjects of research: the information-educational environments,
the (credit) organizations and the objects of theoretical mechanics)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)

2.4.1. The dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the physical-mathematical sciences
(the specialty: 01.02.01 – “Theoretical mechanics”)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The chairman of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the physical-mathematical sciences

the code of vacancy (CH DC ACNS PhMS) The scientific secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the physical-mathematical sciences

the code of vacancy (SS DC ACNS PhMS) The secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the physical-mathematical sciences

the code of vacancy (S DC ACNS PhMS) The members of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the physical-mathematical sciences

the code of vacancy (M DC ACNS PhMS)


2.4.2. The dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the technical sciences
(the specialties: 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 05.13.10 – “Management and informatics in the social systems”)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The chairman of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the technical sciences

the code of vacancy (CH DC ACNS TS) The scientific secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the technical sciences

the code of vacancy (SS DC ACNS TS) The secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the technical sciences

the code of vacancy (S DC ACNS ТS) The members of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the technical sciences

the code of vacancy (M DC ACNS ТS)


2.4.3. The dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"
on the social sciences

(the specialties: 10.02.21 – “Applied and mathematical linguistic”,
19.00.01 – “Cognitive psychology” and 19.00.02 – “Psychology of perception”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The chairman of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"
on the social sciences

the code of vacancy (CH DC ACNS SOCS) The scientific secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"
on the social sciences

the code of vacancy (SS DC ACNS SOCS) The secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"
on the social sciences

the code of vacancy (S DC ACNS SOCS) The members of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"
on the social sciences

the code of vacancy (M DC ACNS SOCS)


2.4.4. The dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the economic sciences
(the specialty: 08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The chairman of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the economic sciences

the code of vacancy (CH DC ACNS ES) The scientific secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the economic sciences

the code of vacancy (SS DC ACNS ES) The secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the economic sciences

the code of vacancy (S DC ACNS ES) The members of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the economic sciences

the code of vacancy (M DC ACNS ES)


2.4.5. The dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the chemical sciences
(the specialty: 02.00.04 – “Physical chemistry”)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The chairman of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the chemical sciences

the code of vacancy (CH DC ACNS ChS) The scientific secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the chemical sciences

the code of vacancy (SS DC ACNS ChS) The secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the chemical sciences

the code of vacancy (S DC ACNS ChS) The members of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the chemical sciences

the code of vacancy (M DC ACNS ChS)


2.4.6. The dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the biological sciences
(the specialty: 03.00.03 – “Molecular biology”)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The chairman of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the biological sciences

the code of vacancy (CH DC ACNS BS) The scientific secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the biological sciences

the code of vacancy (SS DC ACNS BS) The secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the biological sciences

the code of vacancy (S DC ACNS BS) The members of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the biological sciences

the code of vacancy (M DC ACNS BS)


2.4.7. The dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the medical sciences
(the specialties: 14.01.07 – “Eye illnesses and ophthalmology”
and 19.00.03 – “Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The chairman of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the medical sciences

the code of vacancy (CH DC ACNS MS) The scientific secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the medical sciences

the code of vacancy (SS DC ACNS MS) The secretary of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the medical sciences

the code of vacancy (S DC ACNS MS) The members of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the medical sciences

the code of vacancy (C DC ACNS M)


2.5. The archive of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)

2.5.1. The manager of the archive of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M A DC ACNS)

2.5.2. The employees of the archive of the dissertation council of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E A DC ACNS)


2.6. The scientific-methodical department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)

2.6.1. The manager of the scientific-methodical department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M SM D ACNS)

2.6.2. The employees of the scientific-methodical department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E SM D ACNS)


III. The administrative-economy divisions
of “NCO
(E) “SIO "ACNS"””

3.1. The deputy of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the administrative-economy work

the code of vacancy (D PR ACNS AEW)

3.1.1. The secretary of the deputy of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the administrative-economy work

the code of vacancy (S D PR ACNS AEW)


3.1.2. The administrative department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the administrative department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M A D ACNS) The employees of the administrative department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E A D ACNS)


3.1.3. The document-circulation department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the document-circulation department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M D D ACNS) The employees of the document-circulation department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E D D ACNS)


3.1.4. The legal support department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of legal support department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M LS D ACNS) The employees of legal support department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E LS D ACNS)


3.1.5. The document-office of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the document-office of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M D ACNS) The employees of the document-office of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E D ACNS)


3.1.6. The archive of documents of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the archive of documents of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M AR D ACNS) The employees of the archive of documents of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E AR D ACNS)


3.1.7. The information-analytical support department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the information-analytical support department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M IAS D ACNS) The employees of the information-analytical support department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E IAS D ACNS)


3.1.8. The communication and correspondence (expedition) department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the communication and correspondence (expedition) department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M CCE D ACNS) The employees of the communication and correspondence (expedition) department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E CCE D ACNS)


3.1.9. The deposition department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the deposition department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M D D ACNS) The employees of the deposition department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E D D ACNS)


3.1.10. The certification, licensing and patenting department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the certification, licensing and patenting department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M CLP D ACNS) The employees of the certification, licensing and patenting department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E CLP D ACNS)


3.1.11. The fire-prevention safety department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the fire-prevention safety department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M FS D ACNS) The employees of the fire-prevention safety department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E FS D ACNS)


3.1.12. The construction and repair department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the construction and repair department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M CR D ACNS) The employees of the construction and repair department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E CR D ACNS)


3.1.13. The automation department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the automation department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M A D ACNS) The employees of the automation department of “SIO "ACNS"”
on hardware

the code of vacancy (E A D ACNS HW) The employees of the automation department of “SIO "ACNS"”
on software

the code of vacancy (E A D ACNS SW) The employees of the automation department of “SIO "ACNS"”
on administrating

the code of vacancy (E A D ACNS ADM)


3.1.14. The planning of deliveries and shipments of production department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the planning of deliveries and shipments of production department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M PDSP D ACNS) The employees of the planning of deliveries and shipments of production department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E PDSP D ACNS)


3.1.15. The supply and purchases of production department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the supply and purchases of production department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M SPP D ACNS) The employees of the supply and purchases of production department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E SPP D ACNS)


3.1.16. The transport support department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the transport-economy department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M TE D ACNS) The manager of the garage of truck (cargo) transport of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M GTT ACNS) The manager of the garage of passenger transport of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M GPT ACNS) The manager of the warehouse of the spare parts of truck transport of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M WS GT ACNS) The manager of the warehouse of the spare parts of passenger transport of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M WS PT ACNS) The manager of the warehouse of combustive-lubricating materials of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M W CLM ACNS) The employees of the transport-economy department of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the freight (cargo) traffic

the code of vacancy (E TED ACNS FT) The employees of the transport-economy department of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the passenger transportations

the code of vacancy (E TED ACNS PT)


3.2. The chief accountant of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (CA ACNS)

3.2.1. The secretary of the chief accountant of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (S CA ACNS)

3.2.2. The deputy of the chief accountant of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (D CA ACNS)


3.2.3. The planning and economic analysis department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the planning and economic analysis department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M PEA D ACNS) The employees of the planning and economic analysis department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E PEA D ACNS)


3.2.4. The calculating department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the calculating department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M CAL D ACNS) The employees of the calculating department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E CAL D ACNS)


3.2.5. The delivery department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the delivery department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M DEL D ACNS) The employees of the delivery department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E DEL D ACNS)


3.2.6. The clearing of payment requests (requirements) and payment orders (assignments) department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the clearing of payment requests (requirements)
and payment orders (assignments) department of “SIO "ACNS"”

the code of vacancy (M C PR PA D ACNS) The employees of the clearing of payment requests (requirements)
and payment orders (assignments) department of “SIO "ACNS"”

the code of vacancy (E C PR PA D ACNS)


3.2.7. The accounting of commodity-material assets department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the accounting of commodity-material assets department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M A CMA D ACNS) The employees of the accounting of commodity-material assets department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E A CMA D ACNS)


3.2.8. The inventory department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the inventory department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M INV D ACNS) The employees of the inventory department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E INV D ACNS)


3.3. The deputy of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the personnel support

the code of vacancy (D PR ACNS PS)

3.3.1. The secretary of the deputy of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the personnel support

the code of vacancy (S D PR ACNS PS)


3.3.2. The vocational (re)training and improvement of professional skills department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the vocational (re)training and improvement of professional skills department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M VT R IPS D ACNS) The employees of the vocational (re)training and improvement of professional skills department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E VT R IPS D ACNS)


3.3.3. The registration of personnel department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the registration of personnel department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M PR D ACNS) The employees of the registration of personnel department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E PR D ACNS)


3.3.4. The electronic accounting of visitors and employees department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the electronic accounting of visitors and employees department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M EA VE D ACNS) The employees of the electronic accounting of visitors and employees department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E EA VE D ACNS)


3.3.5. The labor safety department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the labor safety department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M LS D ACNS) The employees of the labor safety department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E LS D ACNS)


3.3.6. The medicine department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the medicine department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M M D ACNS) The employees of the medicine department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E M D ACNS)


3.3.7. The professional union department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the professional union department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M PU D ACNS) The employees of the professional union department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E PU D ACNS)


3.4. The deputy of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the scientific library support

the code of vacancy (D PR ACNS SLS)

3.4.1. The secretary of the deputy of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the scientific library support

the code of vacancy (S D PR ACNS SLS)


3.4.2. The purchase and sale of scientific literature department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the purchase and sale of scientific literature department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M PSSL D ACNS) The employees of the purchase and sale of scientific literature department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E PSSL D ACNS)


3.4.3. The scientific library service department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the scientific library service department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M SLS D ACNS) The employees of the scientific library service department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E SLS D ACNS)


3.4.4. The fundamental scientific literature department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the fundamental scientific literature department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M FSL D ACNS) The employees of the fundamental scientific literature department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E FSL D ACNS)


3.4.5. The applied scientific literature department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the applied scientific literature department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M ASL D ACNS) The employees of the applied scientific literature department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E ASL D ACNS)


3.4.6. The normative documentation department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the normative documentation department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M ND D ACNS) The employees of the normative documentation department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E ND D ACNS)


3.4.7. The periodical scientific editions department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the periodical scientific editions department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M PSE D ACNS) The employees of the periodical scientific editions department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E PSE D ACNS)


3.4.8. The electronic scientific library department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the electronic scientific library department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M ESL D ACNS) The employees of the electronic scientific library department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E ESL D ACNS) The employees of the databases and electronic catalogues service department
the code of vacancy (E DBECS D ACNS)


3.4.9. The funds of scientific library department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the funds of scientific library department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M FSL D ACNS) The employees of the funds of scientific library department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E FSL D ACNS)


3.5. The deputy of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the publishing-house

the code of vacancy (D PR ACNS PUB)

3.5.1. The secretary of the deputy of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the publishing-house

the code of vacancy (S D PR ACNS PUB)


3.5.2. The publishing-house department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the publishing-house department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M PUB D ACNS) The employees of the publishing-house department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E PUB D ACNS)


3.5.3. The polygraphy department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the polygraphy department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M POL D ACNS) The employees of the polygraphy department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E POL D ACNS)


3.5.4. The editorial-house department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the editorial-house department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M EDH D ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E EDH D ACNS)


The local scientific newspapers and scientific journals

(1 scientific newspaper and 1 scientific journal) The editor-in-chief of the scientific newspaper
“News of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"”
(in the national Russian language)
the code of vacancy (E C SN N ACNS) The editors of the scientific newspaper
“News of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"”
(in the national Russian language)
the code of vacancy (ED SN N ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house of the scientific newspaper
“News of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"”
(in the national Russian language)
the code of vacancy (E E SN N ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the scientific journal
“Proceedings of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"”
(in the national Russian language)

the code of vacancy (E C SJ P ACNS) The editors of the scientific journal
“Proceedings of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"”
(in the national Russian language)

the code of vacancy (ED SJ P ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house of the scientific journal
“Proceedings of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"”
(in the national Russian language)

the code of vacancy (E E SJ P ACNS)


The international fundamental scientific journals

(5 scientific journals) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Bulletin of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"””
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)

the code of vacancy (E C ISJ B ACNS) The editors of the international scientific journal
“Bulletin of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"””
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ B ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house of the international scientific journal
“Bulletin of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"””
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ B ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Cognitive sciences”
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ CS ACNS) The editors of the international scientific journal
“Cognitive sciences”
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ CS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house of the international scientific journal
“Cognitive sciences”
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ CS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“The cognitive modeling technology for the (microscopic) system analysis”
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ CMT SA ACNS) The editors of the international scientific journal
“The cognitive modeling technology for the (microscopic) system analysis”
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ CMT SA ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house of the international scientific journal
“The cognitive modeling technology for the (microscopic) system analysis”
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ CMT SA ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“The cognitive modeling technology for the (microscopic) financial analysis”
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ CMT FA ACNS) The editors of the international scientific journal
“The cognitive modeling technology for the (microscopic) financial analysis”
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ CMT FA ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house of the international scientific journal
“The cognitive modeling technology for the (microscopic) financial analysis”
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ CMT FA ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“The cognitive modeling technology for the (microscopic) complex analysis
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ CMT CA ACNS) The editors of the international scientific journal
“The cognitive modeling technology for the (microscopic) complex analysis
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ CMT CA ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house of the international scientific journal
“The cognitive modeling technology for the (microscopic) complex analysis
(in the national Russian language and the international English language)
(together with “SRI "SFA
CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ CMT CA ACNS)


The regional and international fundamental scientific journals

(13 branch scientific journals) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Mathematical sciences”
) –
the section “Theory of mathematics and the complex system analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology” (“SM”)(*),
the section “Theory of cybernetics and (cognitive) informatics” (“SPMI”)(*)

(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR MS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Mathematical sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR MS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Mathematical sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR MS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Physical sciences”
) –
the section “Theory of physics, astronomy and space researches” (“SOFA”)(*),
the section “Theory of nuclear physics and physics of atomic nucleus” (“SYF”)(*),
(the multi section
, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR PHS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Physical sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR PHS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Physical sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR PHS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The nano-technologies and information technologies”
) –
the section “Theory of electronics, radio-engineering and connection” (“SVLTSEB”),
the section “Theory of automatics, computer engineering
and the system analysis based on the cognitive modeling technology” (“SITA”)(*),
the section “Theory of the nano-technologies for the mechanical-engineering, instrument-making,
polygraphy, reprography and photo-cinema-technics, the easy and food(-processing) industry,
transport, architecture and construction” (“SNT”)(*)

(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR NT IT ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The nano-technologies and information technologies”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR NT IT ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The nano-technologies and information technologies”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR NT IT ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Exact sciences”
) –
the section “Theory of (theoretical) mechanics and gyroscopes” (“SM”)(*),
the section “Theory of mechanical-engineering, instrument-making and metrology” (“SPMPU”),
the section “Theory of power-engineering and electric-engineering” (“SE”)

(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR ES ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Exact sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR ES ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Exact sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR ES ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The industry and chemical sciences”
) –
the section “Theory of the light, food, wood and wood-processing industry,
architecture and construction,
the agricultural, wood, water and fish economy and aqua-culture” (“SNM”)(*),
the section “Theory of chemistry, chemical technology and chemical industry” (“SCHN”)(*)

(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR IChS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The industry and chemical sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR IChS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The industry and chemical sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR IChS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Biological sciences”
) –
the section “Theory of biology and pharmacology” (“SOB”),
the section “Theory of physical-chemical bio-technology” (“SFCHB”)(*)
(the multi section
, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR BS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Biological sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR BS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Biological sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR BS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The physiology, fundamental medicine and public-health-services”
) –
the section “Theory of physiology, bio-physiology and private physiology” (“SF”)(*),
the section “Theory of medicine, public-health-services, labor safety,
the preservation of environment and ecology of person” (“SFM”)(*)
(the multi section
, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR PHPHMPHS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The physiology, fundamental medicine and public-health-services”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR PHPHMPHS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The physiology, fundamental medicine and public-health-services”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR PHPHMPHS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The sciences about The Earth”
) –
the section “Theory of geo-physics, geology, mining and metallurgy” (“SGGGGN”),
the section “Theory of oceanology, the structure and physics of atmosphere,
geodesy, cartography and geography of The Earth and planets” (“SOFAG”)

(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR SE ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The sciences about The Earth”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR SE ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The sciences about The Earth”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR SE ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Social sciences”)

the section “Theory of social sciences, philosophy, science-study, politics and political sciences,
sociology, (cognitive) psychology, state, law and jurisprudential sciences,
patenting business, invention and rationalization-work” (“SFPSPP”)(*),
the section “Theory of the economics and economic sciences, organization, management, statistics
and the financial analysis based on the cognitive modeling technology” (“SE”)(*)

(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR SOCS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Social sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR SOCS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Social sciences”
) –
see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR SOCS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The global problems and international relations”)

the section “Theory of demography, pedagogics and national education, standardization,
the complex studying of separate countries and regions,
the general and complex problems of natural, exact, technical,
social and applied sciences and the branches of manufacture” (“SGP”),
the section “Theory of the culture and cultural-science, art and art-science,
mass communication, journalism and mass media, religion,
internal trade and tourist-excursion services,
external trade, transport, housing-communal (municipal) economy (services),
housekeeping and consumer services at the international level” (“SMO”)
(the multi section
, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR GPIR ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The global problems and international relations”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR GPIR ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“The global problems and international relations”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR GPIR ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Historical-philological sciences”)

the section “Theory of the history and historical sciences” (“SI”),
the section “Theory of the science of language, (cognitive) linguistics,
literature, literary-science and oral national creativity” (“SYL”)(*)

(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR HPHS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Historical-philological sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR HPHS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Historical-philological sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR HPHS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Sports sciences”)

the section “Theory of competitions, sport and sports sciences” (“STSSSN”)
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR SS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Sports sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR SS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Sports sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR SS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Military sciences”)

the section “Theory of architecture, construction, technics,
history, education, politics and economics in the armed forces” (“STASTIOPEVS”)
(the multi section
, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM FSR MILS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Military sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM FSR MILS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the fundamental scientific researches”
(“Military sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM FSR MILS ACNS)


The international applied scientific journals

(9 branch scientific journals) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Natural sciences”)

the section “Applications of (cognitive) informatics, cybernetics,
automatics, computer engineering, data transmission and connection” (“SIC”)(*),
the section “Applications of mathematics, mathematical physics, mechanics, metrology,
astronomy, space researches, the complex system analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology
and the complex problems of natural sciences” (“SMMF”)(*),
the section “Applications of the geo-chemical ecology and preservation of environment” (“SNOS”),
the section “Applications of the models of The Earth and The Solar system planets
in the geography, geology, geodesy, cartography, astronomy and other sciences” (“SNZ”)(*),
the section “Applications of the models, methods and technologies
of the geology of oil and gas and the oil and gas industry” (“SNG”),
the section “Applications of the system analysis based on the cognitive modeling technology,
prediction, standardization, unification
and the complex problems of exact technical sciences” (“SSAP”)(*),
the section “Applications of the theoretical and experimental physics, geo-physics,
power-engineering, electric-engineering, electronics and radio-engineering,
nuclear physics, technics and instrument-making” (“SF”)(*),
the section “Applications of (non)organic chemistry,
crystallography, mineralogy and chemical industry” (“SH”)(*)
(the multi section
, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM ASR NS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Natural sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM ASR NS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Natural sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM ASR NS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Applied technical sciences and technologies”)

the section “Applications of mining and metallurgy” (“SGM”),
the section “Applications of the sciences about the wood and wood processing” (“SNL”),
the section “Applications of the noo-sphere knowledge and technologies:
the (heavy) mechanical-engineering, instrument-making,
polygraphy, reprography and photo-cinema-technics, the easy and food(-processing) industry,
transport, architecture, construction and other branches” (“SNZT”)(*)
the section “Applications of the scientific problems of agro-industrial complex” (“SNPAK”)
(the multi section
, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM ASR ATST ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Applied technical sciences and technologies”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM ASR ATST ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Applied technical sciences and technologies”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM ASR ATST ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Geo-political sciences and researches”)

the section “Applications of geo-politics and safety” (“SGB”),
the section “Applications of the classical and military history” (“SVIT”)
(the multi section
, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM ASR GSR ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Geo-political sciences and researches”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM ASR GSR ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Geo-political sciences and researches”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM ASR GSR ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“The society steady development of post-industrial country”)

the section “Applications of the complex problems of country development” (“SPUR”)(*)
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM ASR SSDPC ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“The society steady development of post-industrial country”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM ASR SSDPC ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“The society steady development of post-industrial country”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM ASR SSDPC ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Social-economic and jurisprudential sciences”)

the section “Applications of the interbranch jurisprudential and economic
system researches of society and country” (“SMEESI”),
the section “Applications of the complex problems of micro-(macro-)economics,
social sphere and market economy of country” (“SPMSRH”),
the section “Applications of economics, management,
sociology, statistics and their other branches” (“SES”),
the section “Applications of the financial analysis, accounting and audit of the (credit) organization
based on the cognitive modeling technology” (“SFABUA”)(*)

(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM ASR SEJS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Social-economic and jurisprudential sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM ASR SEJS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Social-economic and jurisprudential sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM ASR SEJS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Biological and medical sciences”)

the section “Applications of the biology, ecology and physiology of plants” (“SBE”),
the section “Applications of the bio-technology, bio-medicine,
ergonomics and labor safety of organic individuals” (“SB”)(*)
(the multi section
, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM ASR BMS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Biological and medical sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM ASR BMS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Biological and medical sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM ASR BMS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Humanitarian sciences, art and creativity”)

the section “Applications of (cognitive) linguistics,
(national) creativity, culture, art and religion” (“SGNT”)(*),
the section “Applications of literature, science-study, philosophy,
journalism and mass communication means” (“SLPZ”),
the section “Applications of the problems of (cognitive) psychology, education,
science and the support of young scientists (the programs of grants and others)” (“SPOPMU”)(*),
the section “Applications of the innovations of the project “The Russian encyclopedias”,
philosophy of science, technics and technology on the branches of knowledge” (“SRE”)

(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM ASR HSAC ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Humanitarian sciences, art and creativity”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM ASR HSAC ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Humanitarian sciences, art and creativity”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM ASR HSAC ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Physical training and sport”)

the section “Applications of sport, sports sciences and actions” (“SSSNM”)
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM ASR PHTS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Physical training and sport”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM ASR PHTS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Physical training and sport”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM ASR PHTS ACNS) The editor-in-chief of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Military sciences”)

the section “Applications of architecture, construction, technics,
history, education, politics and economics in the armed forces” (“SASTIOPEVC”)
(the multi section
, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E C ISJ MCM ASR MILS ACNS) The editorial colleague (residents and nonresidents) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Military sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (ED ISJ MCM ASR MILS ACNS) The employees of the editorial-house (“SIO "ACNS"”) of the international scientific journal
“Microscopic cognitive modeling in the applied scientific researches”
(“Military sciences”)

see the specified sections
(the multi section, the regional print and electronic in the national Russian language
and the international electronic in the international English language)
the code of vacancy (E E ISJ MCM ASR MILS ACNS)


3.5.5. The printing-house department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the printing-house department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M PRH D ACNS) The employees of the printing-house department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E PRH D ACNS)


3.5.6. The warehouse of book-printing production department of “SIO "ACNS"” The manager of the warehouse of book-printing production department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M WBPP D ACNS) The employees of the warehouse of book-printing production department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E WBPP D ACNS)


3.6. The deputy of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on security

the code of vacancy (D PR ACNS SEC)

3.6.1. The secretary of the deputy The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
on security

the code of vacancy (S D PR ACNS SEC)


3.6.2. The security department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the security department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M SEC D ACNS) The employees of the security department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E SEC D ACNS)


3.6.3. The protection of territory department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the protection of territory department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M PT D ACNS) The employees of the protection of territory department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E PT D ACNS)


3.6.4. The registration of electronic passports department of “SIO "ACNS"”
(together with “SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”) The manager of the registration of electronic passports department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (M REP D ACNS) The employees of the registration of electronic passports department of “SIO "ACNS"”
the code of vacancy (E REP D ACNS)


Next (go to page 2)


“The vacancies of “SIO "ACNS"”” (page 1 from 3 pages)

The vacancies of academy

“(The state international organization)
"Academy of cognitive natural sciences"”
(“SIO "ACNS"”)
has vacancies
in the administrative-scientific divisions (I),
the scientific-organizational divisions (II),
the administrative-economy divisions (III),
the scientific-research and education
management divisions (IV),
the fundamental scientific researches
management divisions of “SIO "ACNS"” –
the branches and sections (departments) (IV.A
the applied scientific researches
management divisions of “SIO "ACNS"” –
the directions and sections (departments) (IV.B
the divisions of “SF "SFA CMT"
n. a. Prokopenko N.A.” (additional) (V),
the scientific-historical divisions
of “SIO "ACNS"” (additional) (VI),
the scientific-public divisions
of “SIO "ACNS"” (additional) (VII),
the divisions of “SRI "SFA CMT"
of "RA(N)S" n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”
(additional) (VIII)
and other divisions.



Text Box: Saint-Petersburg city
Text Box: “Academy of cognitive natural sciences”
Text Box: The Russian Federation
Text Box: The state international organization