“The Ist international scientific conference
on fundamental sciences
Actual problems of modern
science and technology:
cognitive approach"
(the 01
st-31st of March 2015 y.) –
the procedure of the open performance
with the scientific reports

and (or) multimedia-presentations
of the experts, candidates, doctors
and academicians of sciences in “SIO "ACNS"”,
the open demonstration of achievements in the field
of science, technology and education
in “"Saint-Petersburg
exhibition centre named after L.I. Brezhnev"
at "Exhibition of achievements
of science and technology named after A.A. Sobchak"”

with accommodation in “The hotel "Karelia"”
(“The group of hotels "Intourist"”)

It is carried out according to the information letter from the 01st of November 2014 y. №ACNS-14-000100
of “AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.


Dear citizens of The Russian Federation and the foreign countries!

We invite You to take part
in “The I
st international scientific conference on fundamental sciences
Actual problems of modern science and technology: cognitive approach"” (the 01st-31st of March 2015 y.) –
the procedure of the open performance with the scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations
of the experts, candidates, doctors and academicians of sciences in “SIO "ACNS"”,
the open demonstration of achievements in the field of science, technology and education
in “"Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre named after L.I. Brezhnev" ("SPbEC")
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology" ("EAST")”
with accommodation in “The hotel "Karelia"” (“The group of hotels "Intourist"”)


The information letter – the invitation

The full information letter – the invitation download,
the information letter booklet – the invitationdownload.


Organizing committee organizers

1. The President of RF Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich (The President Executive office of RF)
(The Presidents of the foreign countries (The Presidents Executive offices of the foreign countries)).

2. The Chairman of The Government of RF Medvedev Dmitry Anatoljevich (The Government Ex. office of RF)
(The Chairmen of The Governments of the foreign countries (The Governments Ex. offices of the foreign countries)).

3. The Administration of Saint-Petersburg city (The Government Executive office of Saint-Petersburg city)
(The Administrations of the other cities (The Governments Executive offices of the other cities)).

4. “The International Higher education academy of sciences”.

5. “The Russian academy of (natural) sciences”.

6. “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"”.

7. The really working author, the head, the executor, the legal owner and potential patentee
of the unique cognitive modeling technology and scientific direction
“Cognitive computer science, cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis” (“AUT CMT SFA”),
academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.;
the objects and subjects of research: the information-educational environments,
(credit) organizations and objects of theoretical mechanics
on spec. 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.03 (technical sciences), on spec. 08.00.10 (economical sciences),
on spec. 01.02.01 (physical-mathematical sciences),
researches in the field of physical chemistry (spec. 02.00.04) and molecular biology (spec. 03.00.03) are conducted.

8. “SRI "System and financial analysis based on
cognitive modeling technology" of "RA(N)S" named after V.N. Veniaminov”.

9. “SF "System and financial analysis based on
cognitive modeling technology" named after N.A. Prokopenko”.

10. “"Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre named after L.I. Brezhnev"
"Exhibition of achievements of science and technology named after A.A. Sobchak"”.

11. “The park of the 50th-century of The Great October socialistical revolution named after V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)”.

12. “The hotel "Karelia"” (“The group of hotels "Intourist"”).


The working languages

The international foreign language – English language
(The United kingdom of The Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

The national language – Russian language (RF).

Translation under the preliminary coordination with organizing committee.



(the list of sciences, the list of branches, the list of directions and the list of sections in “SIO "ACNS"
codificators of sciences, codificators of branches,
of directions and codificators of sections in “SIO "ACNS")

T.1. The list of sciences and codificators of sciences (on the international and national
codificator of the bodies of scientific information
architectural sciences arh.s.,
biological sciences (biology, pharmacology, physical-chemical bio-technology and others) biol.s.,
veterinary sciences vet.s., geographical sciences geogr.s.,
geological-meteorological sciences geol.-met.s.,
geo-political sciences (geo-politics, safety, history and others) geopol.s.,
humanitarian sciences (journalism, art, culture, linguistics, literature,
science of science
, education, psychology, religion, mass communication means,
creativity, philosophy and others)
global sciences (consumer services, demography, housekeeping, housing-communal economy (services),
journalism, complex studying of the separate countries and regions,
complex problems of natural, exact,
technical, public and applied sciences and branches of manufacture,
art, culture, mass communication, education, pedagogics, religion,
mass media means, standardization, tourist
-excursion service,
trade, transport and others)
natural sciences (automatics, astronomy, computer engineering,
geography, geodesy, geology, geo-physics, geo-chemistry,
computer science, cartography, cybernetics, space researches, crystallography
mathematics, mechanics, metrology, mineralogy,
modeling of The Earth and planets of The Solar system, protection of environment,
data transmission and connection, instrument making, forecasting, radio-technics,
the system analysis, standardization, unification, physics, chemistry, ecology,
electrical-technics, electronics, power engineering, nuclear physics and others)
science of art sciences art.s., historical sciences hist.s.,
historical-philological sciences (history, science of language,
linguistics, literature, oral national creativity and others)
science of culture (culture-logical) sciences cult.s.,
mathematical sciences (computer science, cybernetics, mathematics,
modeling, the system analysis and others)
medical sciences (public health services, medicine, labor safety,
preservation of environment, physiology, ecology and others)
sciences about The Earth and planets (geography, geodesy, geology, geo-physics, mining,
cartography, metallurgy, oceanology, structure and physics of atmosphere and others) -
nano-technological sciences (architecture, automatics, computer engineering, light industry,
mechanical engineering, food-processing industry, polygraphy, instrument making, radio-technics, reprography
connection, the system analysis, construction, transport, electronics, photo-cinema-technics and others) nano.s.,
social sciences (the state, invention, history, culture, organization, science of science,
patent business, politics, law, psychology, rationalization, sociology, statistics,
economics, management, philosophy, finance and others)
pedagogical sciences ped.s., political sciences pol.s.,
applied sciences (industry, agriculture and others) appl.s.,
industrial sciences (aquaculture, architectural, water, wood-processing, easy, wood,
food, fish, agricultural, building and chemical industry and others)
psychological sciences psy.s., agricultural sciences agric.s.,
sociological sciences sociol.s., technical science tech.s.,
exact sciences (hyroscope-building, mechanics, metrology, mechanical engineering,
instrument making, power engineering, electrical-technics and others)
pharmaceutical sciences pharm.s.,
physical sciences (astronomy, space researches, physics,
physics of atomic nucleus, nuclear physics and others)
physical-mathematical sciences phys.-math.s.,
philological sciences philol.s., philosophical sciences philos.s.,
chemical sciences chem.s., ecological sciences ecol.s.,
economical sciences econ..s., jurisprudential sciences juris.s., sport sciences sport.s.,
military sciences (architecture, history, education, politics, construction,
technics and economics in the armed forces and others)

Т.2. The list of branches, the list of directions and the list of sections in “SIO "ACNS"
of the specified “The Ist international scientific conference
on fundamental sciences” (the 01st-31st of March 2015 y.)
the codificators of branches, codificators of directions,
and codificators
of sections in “SIO "ACNS"”:

The open performances of reporters ((non)residents)
scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations
are carried out on 13 branches and 26 sections of “SIO "ACNS"

The branch 1. “Cognitive modeling in the mathematical sciences” (“OMN”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of mathematics and complex system analysis
based on cognitive modeling technology” (“SM”)(*).

2. Section “The theory of cybernetics and (cognitive) computer science” (“SPMI”)(*).

The branch 2. “Cognitive modeling in the physical sciences” (“OFN”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of physics, astronomy and space researches” (“SOFA”)(*).

2. Section “The theory of nuclear physics and physics of atomic nucleus” (“SYF”)(*).

The branch 3. “Cognitive modeling in the nano-technologies and information technologies” (“ONIT”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of electronics, radio-technics and connection” (“SVLTSEB”).

2. Section “The theory of automatics, computer engineering and system analysis
based on cognitive modeling technology” (“SITA”)(*).

3. Section “The theory of nano-technologies for the mechanical engineering, instrument making,
polygraphy, reprography and foto-cinema-technics,
easy and food-processing industry, transport, architecture and construction” (“SNT”)(*).

The branch 4. “Cognitive modeling in the exact sciences” (“OEMMPU”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of (theoretical) mechanics and gyroscopes” (“SM”)(*).

2. Section “The theory of mechanical engineering, instrument making and metrology” (“SPMPU”).

3. Section “The theory of power engineering and electrical-technics” (“SE”).

The branch 5. “Cognitive modeling in the industry and chemical sciences” (“OHNM”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of easy, food, wood and wood processing industry,
the architecture and construction, the agricultural, wood, water, fish economy and aqua-culture” (“SNM”)(*).

2. Section “The theory of chemistry, chemical technology and chemical industry” (“SCHN”)(*).

The branch 6. “Cognitive modeling in the biological sciences” (“OBN”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of biology and pharmacology” (“SOB”).

2. Section “The theory of physical-chemical bio-technology” (“SFCHB”)(*).

The branch 7. “Cognitive modeling in the physiology, fundamental medicine and public health services” (“OFFM”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of physiology, bio-physiology and private physiology” (“SF”)(*).

2. Section “The theory of medicine, public health services, labor safety,
environment preservation and ecology of person” (“SFM”)(*).

The branch 8. “Cognitive modeling in the sciences about The Earth” (“ONZ”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of geo-physics, geology, mining and metallurgy” (“SGGGGN”).

2. Section “The theory of oceanology, structure and physics of atmosphere,
geodesy, cartography and geography of The Earth and planets” (“SOFAG”).

The branch 9. “Cognitive modeling in the social sciences” (“OON”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of social sciences, philosophy, science of science (science study), politics and political sciences,
sociology, (cognitive) psychology, state, law and jurisprudential sciences, patenting business,
invention and rationalization work” (“SFPSPP”)(*).

2. Section “The theory of economics and economical sciences, organization, management, statistics
and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology” (“SE”)(*).

The branch 10. “Cognitive modeling in the global problems and international relations” (“OGPMO”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of demography, pedagogics and national education, standardization,
complex studying of the separate countries and regions, general and complex problems
of natural, exact, technical, public and applied sciences and manufacture branches” (“SGP”).

2. Section “The theory of culture and cultural science, art and art science, mass communication,
journalism and mass media means, religion, internal trade and tourist-excursion service,
external trade, transport, housing-communal economy (services),
housekeeping and consumer service at international level” (“SMO”).

The branch 11. “Cognitive modeling in the historical-philological sciences” (“OIFN”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of history and historical sciences” (“SI”).

2. Section “The theory of science of language, (cognitive) linguistics, literature,
science of literature and oral national creativity” (“SYL”)(*).

The branch 12. “Cognitive modeling in the sport sciences” (“OSN”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of competitions, sport and sport sciences” (“STSSSN”).

The branch 13. “Cognitive modeling in the military sciences” (“OVN”)
(received 01 scientific report) (go to).

1. Section “The theory of architecture, construction, technics, history, education,
politics and economics in the armed forces” (“STASTIOPEVS”).

(see the plan of “The Ist international scientific conference on fundamental sciences
"Actual problems of modern science and technology:
cognitive approach"” (the 01
st-31st of March 2015 y.) in “SIO "ACNS"”,
the contents of scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations of reporters in “SIO "ACNS"”,
and also the expanded list of sciences, the list of branches and the list of sections
with key words,
objects of research, subjects of research for definition of UDC
and submissions of the scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
of the reporter in “SIO "ACNS"”
go to).


Collection of scientific reports

1. Vetrov A.N. The fundamental scientific researches branches
of “SIO "Academy of cognitive natural sciences"”:
Collection of scientific reports on the rights of monography
(“Philosophy” (“Physical-mathematical sciences”, “Technics” and “Economics”)) 2015 y. –
SPb.: “SIO "ACNS"”, 2015. – 43 p.
[(not) published materials to international scientific conference on fundamental sciences
“Actual problems of modern science and technology: cognitive approach” 2015 y. (“SIO "ACNS"”)],
(for protection of my dissertation on competition of scientific degree of academician of (natural) sciences
on spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10) (
download) [ENG].


The requirements, order of representation and list of necessary documents
sufficient for participation

(the basic requirements, the order of representation and projects of documents for participation)

To organizing committee of the specified “The Ist international scientific conference
on fundamental sciences” (01st-31st of March 2015 y.)
it is necessary to present urgently
the list of documents and electronic files
[the submission, publishing and discussion of supplementary documents,
scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation of reporter without payment]:

1. The documents on sheets of format А4 for the participation of reporter from the organization-participant
(only electronical files for program MS Word in format *.doc or *.rtf
for program Adobe Acrobat Reader in format *.pdf).

1.1. The application form for the participation in the specified international scientific conference from the reporter
to the name of the head of organization-participant
minimum 1 sh., 1 p. (see the appendix 1 download).

1.2. The invitation to the reporter from the head of organization-participant for the open performance
with the certain scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
on the specified international scientific conference

minimum 1 sh., 2 p. [can be absent] (see the appendix 2 download).

1.3. The service record to the name of the head of organization-participant
and for the name of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”, “AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N. from the reporter
on the defined theme
of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation for the statement of the organizing committee
of specified international scientific conference

minimum 1 sh., 2 p. [can be absent] (see the appendix 3 download).

1.4. The application form for the participation of educational, scientific and other organization
with the appendix of the list of allowed reporters
and themes of their scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations
from the organization-participant for sending to the organizing committee
of specified international scientific conference
with signatures of the head of organization-participant, reporter, executors and normocontrollers

on physical-mathematical, technical, economical and other sciences [can be absent]
(the list, see the appendix 4
and also the service records of reporters for the name of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”
CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.
and to the name of the head of organization-participant with the signature of reporters to the specified addresses

minimum 3 sh., 3 p. (the service record [can be absent], see the appendix 3 download),
(the application
[can be absent], see the appendix 5 download).

1.5. The data about reporter (the data about basic and additional employees of the reporter attendants)
to the organizing committee of specified international action
in particular
specify “First name, Middle initials and Last name of reporter
(the basic and (or) additional employee of the reporter attendants)” (completely),
“The name of organization and name of subordinated organization” (completely),
“The name of division in the (subordinated) organization”,
“The post, scientific degree and scientific rank”,
“The work address (the legal and actual)”
[“Index of work address of reporter”
, “Country of work address of reporter”,
of work address of reporter”,
of work address of reporter”, “House of work address of reporter”,
(office) of work address of reporter”, “Floor of work address of reporter”],
“The home address (the legal and actual)”
[“Index of home address of reporter”
, “Country of home address of reporter”,
of home address of reporter”,
of home address of reporter”, “House of home address of reporter”,
(office) of home address of reporter”, “Floor of home address of reporter”],
“The phone and fax (the work, home and mobile or cellular)
[+”Code of country”
(“Code of region or city”) “Number of phone”],
[+”Code of country” (“Code of region or city”) “Number of fax”],
“The electronic addresses (the work and home electronic address
of information resource and electronical post)”,
“The additional information about the place of work and home”,
“The data about publications”, “The sphere of scientific interests”

minimum 1(3) sh., 1(3) p. (see the appendix 6 download).

1.6. The expert judgement about the opportunity of publication of the materials
of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation of the reporter in the open print
(for the publication of the collections of scientific reports and materials
of specified international scientific conference)
[can be received in “SIO "ACNS"”] minimum 1 sh., 1 p.

1.7. The review of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation of the reporter
of the specialist (expert) in the subject domain (on the speciality)
[can be received in “SIO "ACNS"”] minimum 1 sh., 1 p.

1.8. The scientific report for program MS Word in the format *.doc or *.rtf
and (or) multimedia-presentation for program MS Power Point in the format *.ppt

of allowed reporter in the printed out kind on the sheets of format
in program Adobe Acrobat Reader in the format *.pdf
(see the requirements to volume for the experts, engineers,
candidates, doctors and academicians of sciences)
minimum 5 sh., 5 p.

1.9. The recommendation letter of external organization about the opportunity of publication of the materials
of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentations of the reporter
in the scientific collection and (or) scientific magazine
[can be absent] minimum 1 sh., 1 p.

1.10. The supplementary letter with the signature of the reporter (lecturer) and the head
of educational, scientific and other organization
with the indication in the appendix of the specified supplementary documents
and the appendix of the specified supplementary documents (item 1.1-item 1.9)
minimum 1 sh., 2 p.

2. The electronic files on the optical data carrier CD or DVD
for the laser storage of information CD-ROM or DVD-ROM
with the electronic version of specified documents in the format *.doc or *.rtf (*.pdf),
in the particular with the scientific report in the format *.doc or *rtf (*.pdf)
and (or) multimedia-presentation in format *.ppt (*.pdf)
minimum 1 CD-ROM (DVD-ROM).

(see the expanded requirements, the order of representation and projects of documents
with the instruction of filling for the participation
go to).


The requirements to registration and representation of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation

(the basic requirements, the order of representation and projects of documents for the participation)

The scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation should be corrected and edited,
completely finished, to correspond to the scientific publication and state educational standards:

1. It is recommended to use during work the textual editor MS Word
(the file for program MS Word in format *.doc or *.rtf)
and during formatting
the style file “MAIK Science/Interperiodica” [in the case of difficulties].

2. The form-factor (format) of the electronic and paper data carrier: “А4” (the paper for office technics).

3. The parameters of the model of page: top field “2 sm”, bottom field “2 sm”,
left field “2,5 sm”, right field “2 sm”,
top colontitular
“1,25 sm”, bottom colontitular “1,25 sm”, orientation “book” or “volumetric”.

4. The parameters of the text of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation:
type of font “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”,
alignment “on width”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”,
line spacing “1,2”, it is authorized to use
symbols curling.

4.1. The structure and contents of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation.


4.1.1. The heading of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation.


4.1.1.a. The textual contents of universal ten-character codificator (UDC)
in the left top corner
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”,
alignment “on left border”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.1.b. The textual contents of the epigraph (slogan) of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
in the right top corner
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “12 pt”,
set of font “italics”, alignment “on right border”,
space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.1.c. The textual contents of the list of (co)authors of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
(with country, city and reduced name of organization) in the left top corner
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”,
alignment “on left border”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.1.d. The textual contents of the name (nomen) of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation in the top of page
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”, set of font “semiboldface”,
alignment “on center”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”,
modification of font “all capital”).

4.1.1.e. The textual contents of the abstract of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
up to 30 words in the top of page
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “12 pt”,
set of font “semiboldface” and “italics”, alignment “on width”,
space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.1.f. The textual contents of the list of key terms and definitions of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation up to 10 words in the top of page
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “12 pt”,
set of font “semiboldface” and “italics”, alignment “on width”,
space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.2. The introduction of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation.

4.1.2.a. The textual contents of the name of introduction of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype of “14 pt”, set of font “semiboldface”,
alignment “on left border”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.3. The first and subsequent sections of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation.

4.1.3.a. The textual contents of the codificator and names of the first and subsequent sections
of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”, set of font “semiboldface”,
alignment “on left border”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.4. The textual contents of the first and subsequent sections of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”,
alignment “on width”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1,2”).

4.1.5. The table of the first and subsequent sections of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “10-14 pt”,
alignment “on width”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.5.a. The textual contents of the identifier (codificator) of tables of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”, set of font “semiboldface”,
alignment “on right border”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.5.b. The textual contents of the name (nomen) of table of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”,
alignment “on center”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.5.c. The contents of table of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “10-14 pt”,
alignment “on center” and “on width”,
space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.6. The figure (the vector scheme or raster photo) of the first and subsequent sections
of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “10-14 pt”,
alignment “on width”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.6.a. The textual contents of the identifier (codificator) of figure of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”, set of font “semiboldface”,
alignment “on center”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.6.b. The textual contents of the name of figure of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”, set of font “semiboldface”,
alignment “on center”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.6.c. The contents of the figure of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation (of the reporter)
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “10-14 pt”,
alignment “on width”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.7. The conclusion of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation

4.1.7.a. The textual contents of the name of conclusion of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”, set of font “semiboldface”,
alignment “on left border”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.8. The textual contents of the conclusion of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”,
alignment “on width”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1,2”).

4.1.9. The bibliographical unit of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation.

4.1.9.a. The textual contents of the name of bibliographic unit of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, the size of symbol pointtype ‘14 pt”,
alignment “on left border”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.10. The textual contents of the elements of bibliographic unit of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”,
alignment “on width”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1,2”).

4.1.10.a. The structure of the element of bibliographic unit (the source of literature) of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”,
alignment “on width”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1,2”):
Number under the order, First name, Middle initials and Last name of (co)author(s
Name of source of literature: Kind of source; Subspecies of source/The translator
and (or) editor, Place of publish
.: The publishing house, year of creation, deposition and (or) publications.

4.1.11. The bibliographic information of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
on the foreign international language (in English language).

4.1.11.a. The textual contents of universal ten-character codificator (UDC) in the left top corner
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”,
alignment “on left border”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.11.b. The textual contents of the epigraph (slogan) of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation in the right top corner
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “12 pt”, set of font “italics”,
alignment “on right border”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.11.c. The textual contents of the list of (co)authors of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
in the left top corner
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”,
alignment “on left border”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.11.d. The textual contents of the name (nomen) of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation in the top of page
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “14 pt”, set of font “semiboldface”,
alignment “on center”, space of the first (red) line “0 sm”, line spacing “1”,
modification of font “all capital”).

4.1.11.e. The textual contents of the abstract of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
up to 30 words in the top of page
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “12 pt”,
set of font “semiboldface” and ”italics”,
alignment “on width”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

4.1.11.f. The textual contents of the list of key terms and definitions of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation up to 10 words at the top of page
[can be absent]
(font type “Times New Roman”, size of symbol pointtype “12 pt”, set of font “semiboldface” and “italics”,
alignment “on width”, space of the first (red) line “1 sm”, line spacing “1”).

The format of the name of file of the electronic version of documents (*.doc, *.rtf or *.pdf),
the electronic version of scientific report (*.doc or *.rtf) and (or) multimedia-presentations (*.ppt):
[First name, Middle initials and Last name of reporter]_[code of country]_[city]_
[abbreviation of organization-participant]_2015.[expansion of file].

It is recommended to apply the graphical representations with the maximal resolution
in the format of initial computer program, in which they have been executed:
at-first,- the figures of raster graphics in the format *.jpeg with the minimal resolution 300*300 dpi;
at-second,- the photos on the paper original and in the format *.jpeg with the resolution 300*300 dpi

(see the expanded requirements to registration and representation
of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
with the instruction of filling for the participation
go to).


The location

(the address of organizing committee)

1. The coordination and support of the specified international scientific conference
in “SIO "ACNS"” (and also in The Government of RF (The Governments of foreign countries),
The Administration
of Saint-Petersburg city (The Administrations of the other cities)),
"SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S" named after V.N. Veniaminov”,
"SFA CMT" named after N.A. Prokopenko”,
"SPbEC named after L.I. Brezhnev" at "EAST named after A.A. Sobchak"»,
“The hotel
"Karelia"” (“The group of hotels "Intourist"”)
and other organizations-participants
(see the list of elements and stages of specified international scientific conference) –
The President Executive office of “SIO
"ACNS"” to the address
, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city, prospect Energetikov, h. 36, fl. 82
(the st. of underground “Ladozhskaya” and st. of underground “Novocherkasskaya”),
also The President Executive office of RF to the address
RF, 103132, Moscow city, street Ilyinka, h. 23
(the st. of underground “China-city” and st. of underground “Lubjanka”),
The Government Executive office of RF to the address
RF, 103274, Moscow city, Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, h. 2
(the st. of underground “Krasnopresnenskaya” and st. of underground “Barrikadnaya”),
The Administration Executive office
of Saint-Petersburg city to the address
RF, 191060, Saint-Petersburg city, Smolnij
(the st
. of underground “Ploschad Aleksandra Nevskogo”, st. of underground “Chernyshevskaya”
and st
. of underground “Ploschad Vosstaniya”)].

2. The coordination and formation of the list of organizations-participants with the reporters,
the basic list (employees of “SIO
and the additional list (invited to “SIO
of allowed reporters in “SIO
(see the list of necessary and sufficient projects of documents) –
The President of “SIO
"ACNS"”, “AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich to the address
RF, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city, prospect Energetikov, h. 36, fl. 82
(the st. of underground “Ladogskaya” and st. of underground “Novocherkasskaya”),
. address of information resource in “Internet” network:,
El. address of information resource in social network “In contact”:,
E-mail:,,,,,,,,, (with the notice on phone),
: +7(812)950-2706 (mobile), Phone/Fax: +7(812)222-5291 (home).

3. The basic list of allowed reporters (employees of “SIO "ACNS"”) in “SIO "ACNS"
(see the list of sciences, the list of branches, the list of directions and the list of sections) to the address
RF, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city, prospect Energetikov, h. 36, fl. 82
(the st. of underground “Ladogskaya” and st. of underground “Novocherkasskaya”),
. address of information resource in “Internet” network:,
El. address of information resource in social network “In contact”:,
E-mail:,,,,,,,,, (with the notice on phone),
: +7(812)950-2706 (mobile), Phone/Fax: +7(812)222-5291 (home).

4. The additional list of allowed reporters (invited to “SIO "ACNS"”) in “SIO "ACNS"
(see the list of sciences, the list of branches, the list of directions and the list of sections) to the address
RF, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city, prospect Energetikov, h. 36, fl. 82
(the st. of underground “Ladogskaya” and st. of underground “Novocherkasskaya”),
. address of information resource in “Internet” network:,
El. address of information resource in social network “In contact”:,
E-mail:,,,,,,,,, (with the notice on phone),
: +7(812)950-2706 (mobile), Phone/Fax: +7(812)222-5291 (home).

5. The procedure of the open presentation with scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations
in organizations-participants (located at the territory of RF and foreign countries) –
not presented by the organizational committee of specified international scientific conference,
but analyzing invitations.

6. The open demonstration of achievements in the field of science, technology and education
in “
"Saint-Petersburg exhibition centre named after L.I. Brezhnev"
at "Exhibition of achievements of science and technology named after A.A. Sobchak"” to the address
RF, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city, prospect Energetikov, h. 36, fl. 82
(the st. of underground “Ladogskaya” and st. of underground “Novocherkasskaya”),
. address of information resource in “Internet” network:,
El. address of information resource in social network “In contact”:,
E-mail:,,,,,,,,, (with the notice on phone),
: +7(812)950-2706 (mobile), Phone/Fax: +7(812)222-5291 (home).

7. The residing of reporter and one (four) accompanying (as agreed) in Saint-Petersburg city
for the period of time of carrying out of the specified international scientific conference in the preliminary
reserved (booked) places in the numbers
of “The hotel "Karelia"” (“The group of hotels "Intourist"”) to the address
RF, 195067, Saint-Petersburg city, street Marshala Tukhachevskogo, h. 27, build 2,
(the st. of underground “Ladozhskaya” and st. of underground “Novocherkasskaya”),
E-mail:, Phone: +7(812)718-4048, Fax: +7(812)326-4726.


Price of participation in work of international scientific conference

Registration, sending, receiving, discussion and publishing
packet of supplementary documents
and materials of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
are produced without payment by organizing committee (employees of “SIO "ACNS")
at information-educational resource in global network “Internet”
electronical сообществе in social network “In contact”.


The registration of participants

The beginning of participants registration:

From the 01st of January 2015 y. (from 11:00 to 21:00) to the 01st of March 2015 y. (from 11:00 to 21:00)
in the organizing committee

at first,- in the organization-participant forming of the pocket of supplementary documents
and materials of scientific report and (or) mutimedia-presentation,
at second,- in
“SIO "ACNS"” at The President of “SIO "ACNS"”,
“AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences (“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.,
"SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S" named after V.N. Veniaminov”,
"SFA CMT" named after N.A. Prokopenko”
"SPbEC named after L.I. Brezhnev" at "EAST named after A.A. Sobchak"”,
(in “RA(N)S” and The Government of RF),
at third,- in “The hotel
"Karelia"” (“The group of hotels "Intourist"”) [if received official invitation]).



The Opening and Plenary session
of The international scientific conference will take place

in the open boardroom of “SIO "ACNS"”
on the 01
st of March 2015 y. in 10 h 30 min

The accepted materials will be published in “SIO "ACNS"”
to the beginning of work and after the end of work of the specified international scientific conference

The scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations
and supplementary documentation of each reporter for participation
in “The I
st international scientific conference
on fundamental sciences” (the 01st-31st of March 2015 y.)
are represented since the 01
st of January 2015 y. (from 11:00 to 21:00) to the 01st March 2015 y. (from 11:00 to 21:00)
to the specified electronical post addresses of organizing committee:

1. The formal examination – the specified package of supplementary documents (item 1.1item 1.4).

2. The examination in essence – the specified materials of scientific reports
and (or) multimedia-presentations (item 1.5
item 1.10) are sent by mail
from the chosen reporter from organization-participant
and (or) the head of organization-participant in the addresses of the organizing committee
(The President of “SIO
"ACNS"”, “AUT CMT SFA”, academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N. – 1 piece)
only after formal examination of the specified package of supplementary documents (item1.1–item1.4)
and under the preliminary arrangement with the organizing committee only.

It is necessary to issue the package of supplementary documents for participation
in the specified “I
st international scientific conference on fundamental sciences” (the 01st-31st of March 2015 y.)
in organizations-participants (scientific, educational and other)
and to send it to the organizing committee since the 01
st of January 2015 y.

The date and time of beginning and the end of “Ist international scientific conference
on fundamental sciences” (the 01st-31st of March 2015 y.)
the 01st March 2015 y. 10:30 and the 31st March 2015 y. 23:59.

It is necessary for the authors (reporters) to establish UDC of scientific report and (or) multimedia-presentation
on the state rubrificator of
scientific-technical information (STI) of RF which is accessible
under the reference of “GRNTI”
under the reference of “VINITI” of “RAS”:

Text Box: of “The Russian academy of (natural) sciences” named after V.N. Veniaminov 
Text Box: The scientific-research institute
Text Box: “System and financial analysis 
based on cognitive modeling technology”
Text Box: SIO “Academy of cognitive natural sciences”