“The IVth international scientific conference on applied sciences
"Improvement of quality of researches and developments in the modern organization:
cognitive approach"” (the 01st-31st of October 2018 y.)
(page 2 from 2 pages)
The applied scientific researches direction 5.
“Cognitive modeling in the social-economical and jurisprudential sciences” (“NSEPP”)
The salutatory word
on the direction “Cognitive modeling
in the social-economical and jurisprudential sciences” (“NSEPP”)
of “SIO "ACNS"” (day time session)
The place of carrying out, room, date and interval of time
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, “SIO "ACNS"”, from the 01st of June 2018 y. 00:00:00 to the 01st of October 2018 y. 23:59:59
of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
First name,
Middle initials, Last name,
scientific degree, scientific rank,
(name of academy of sciences
or HEI which has issued diploma),
post in organization,
country, city, organization,
WWW address and E-mail address
of the author of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
Name (nomen)
of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
of scientific report
and (or) multimedia-presentation
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich,
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”),
The President
of “SIO "ACNS"”,
RF, Saint-Petersburg city,
“SIO "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"”,
“The applied researches exhibitions direction
“Cognitive modeling
in the social-economical
and jurisprudential sciences” (“NSEPP”)
of “"SPbEC n.a. L.I. Brezhnev"
at "EAST n.a. A.A. Sobchak"” (part 1)”
(scientific report)
Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich,
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”),
The President
of “SIO "ACNS"”,
RF, Saint-Petersburg city,
“SIO "Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"”,
“The applied researches exhibitions direction
“Cognitive modeling
in the social-economical
and jurisprudential sciences” (“NSEPP”)
of “"SPbEC n.a. L.I. Brezhnev"
at "EAST n.a. A.A. Sobchak"” (part 2)”
(scientific report)
The salutatory word of the invited
on the direction “Cognitive modeling
in the social-economical and jurisprudential sciences” (“NSEPP”)
of “SIO "ACNS"” (day time session)
The place of carrying out, room, date and interval of time
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, “SIO "ACNS"”, from the 01st of June 2018 y. 00:00:00 to the 01st of October 2018 y. 23:59:59
The scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations on fundamental sciences did not give
The open performances with scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations
on sections of “SIO "ACNS"” (residents and non-residents)
3.5.1. The applied scientific researches section
“The applications of inter-branch jurisprudential and economical
system researches of society and country” (“SMEESI”)
Þ The applications of state management, law and jurisprudential sciences –
the general questions of applications of state management, law and jurisprudential sciences,
usage of theory of the country and law, usage of theory of history of the country and law,
usage of theory of history of political and legal doctrines,
usage of theory of constitutional (state) law, usage of theory of municipal law,
usage of theory of administrative law, usage of theory of information law,
usage of theory of financial law, usage of theory of enterprise law,
usage of theory of civil law, usage of theory of civil-procedural law (civil process),
usage of theory of arbitration-procedural law (arbitration process),
usage of theory of patent law, usage of theory of law of industrial property,
usage of theory of copyright and adjacent rights,
usage of theory of succession law, usage of theory of family law,
usage of theory of agrarian law, usage of theory of legal problems of environment preservation,
usage of theory of ecological law, usage of theory of ground law,
usage of theory of wood law, usage of theory of water law, usage of theory of aerial-protection law,
usage of theory of legislation about bowels, usage of theory of legislation about fauna world,
usage of theory of labor law, usage of theory of law of social support,
usage of theory of jurisprudential institutions, usage of theory of criminal law,
usage of theory of criminal-procedural law (criminal process), usage of theory of criminalogy,
usage of theory of criminal-executive law, usage of theory of penitentiary,
usage of theory of criminalistics, usage of theory of judicial statistics,
usage of theory of international law, usage of theory of international private law,
usage of theory of state management and law of the separate countries,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology
in applications of state management, law and jurisprudential sciences;
Þ The applications of patent business, invention and rationalization work –
the general questions of applications of patent business, invention and rationalization work,
usage of theory of patent-information work, usage of theory of invention and rationalization activity,
usage of theory of patent-license work,
usage of theory of the technical-economical analysis on patent materials, usage of theory of invention law
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology
in applications of patent business, invention and rationalization work;
Þ The applications of international economical relations –
the general questions of applications of international economical relations,
usage of theory of prediction and planning, usage of theory of economical cycles and crisis,
usage of theory of productive forces, usage of theory of social-economical structure,
usage of theory of reproductive structure of economics,
usage of theory of accumulation and consumption, usage of theory of well-being,
usage of theory of territorial (local), regional (subject of federation),
city (federal) and branch structure of economics,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology in applications of international economical relations.
The place of carrying out, room, date and interval of time
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, “SIO "ACNS"”, from the 01st of June 2018 y. 00:00:00 to the 01st of October 2018 y. 23:59:59
The reporters on the applied scientific researches section
“The applications of inter-branch jurisprudential and economical
system researches of society and country” (“SMEESI”)
The scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations on fundamental sciences did not give
3.5.2. The applied scientific researches section
“The applications of complex problems of micro-(macro-)economics,
social sphere and market economy of the country” (“SPMSRH”)
Þ The applications of internal trade and tourist-excursion service –
the general questions of applications of internal trade and tourist-excursion service,
usage of theory of wholesale trade and retail trade, usage of theory of public catering,
usage of theory of hotel economy, usage of theory of tourist-excursion service,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology
in applications of internal trade and tourist-excursion service;
Þ The applications of external trade – the general questions of applications of external trade,
usage of theory of communication of external trade with manufacture, usage of theory of external-trade politics,
usage of theory of kinds of external trade, usage of theory of external trade structure,
usage of theory of calculations on external-trade operations,
usage of theory of external-trade transportations, usage of theory of The World commodity markets,
usage of theory of international agreements about trade, usage of theory of international contracts,
usage of theory of international trading organizations, usage of theory of commodity agreements,
usage of theory of organizations and management of external trade,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology in applications of external trade;
Þ The applications of housing-communal economy (services), housekeeping and consumer service –
the general questions of applications of housing-communal economy (services), housekeeping and consumer service,
usage of theory of housing economy (service), usage of theory of communal (municipal) economy (service),
usage of theory of consumer service, usage of theory of housekeeping,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology
in applications of housing-communal economy (services), housekeeping and consumer service;
Þ The applications of insurance – the general questions of applications of insurance,
usage of theory of state social insurance,
usage of theory of funds of social support and social insurance,
usage of theory of external-trade insurance, usage of theory of statistics of social insurance,
usage of theoryof cognitive modeling technology in applications of insurance;
Þ The applications of investment and investment projects –
the general questions of applications of investment and investment projects,
usage of theory of concentration of capital, usage of theory of financial-industrial groups,
usage of theory of investment institutes, usage of theory of legal bases of investment activity,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology in applications of investment and investment projects;
Þ The applications of social (not cargo) transport – the general questions of applications of social (not cargo) transport,
usage of theory of social railway transport, usage of theory of social motor car transport,
usage of theory of social water (sea) transport, usage of theory of social air transport,
usage of theory of social pipeline transport, usage of theory of social industrial transport,
usage of theory of municipal transport,
usage of theory of interaction of different kinds of social transport,
usage of theory of mixed social transportations, usage of theory of other kinds of social transport,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology in applications of social (not cargo) transport.
The place of carrying out, room, date and interval of time
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, “SIO "ACNS"”, from the 01st of June 2018 y. 00:00:00 to the 01st of October 2018 y. 23:59:59
The reporters on the applied scientific researches section
““The applications of complex problems of micro-(macro-)economics,
social sphere and market economy of the country” (“SPMSRH”)
The scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations on fundamental sciences did not give
3.5.3. The applied scientific researches section
“The applications of economics, management,
sociology, statistics and their other branches” (“SES”)
Þ The applications of economics and economical sciences –
the general questions of applications of economics and economical sciences,
usage of economical theory, usage of theory of history of economical idea,
usage of theory of accounting-economical sciences, usage of theory of sciences of economics management,
usage of theory of economical history, usage of theory of The World economy,
usage of theory of international economical relations, usage of theory of economical development and growth,
usage of theory of prediction and planning of economics, usage of theory of economical cycles and crises,
usage of theory of productive forces and scientific-technical progress,
usage of theory of social-economical structure,
usage of theory of reproductive structure of economics,
usage of theory of accumulation and consumption, usage of theory of well-being,
usage of theory of territorial structure of economics, usage of theory of regional and city economics,
usage of theory of branch structure of economics, usage of theory of financial science,
usage of monetary and tax theories,
usage of theory of credit-financial institutes (indstitutional intermediaries),
usage of theory of economical problems of organization and management of the country economy,
usage of theory of self-financing, usage of theory of economical incentives provision,
usage of theory of economics of labor, usage of theory of manpower resources,
usage of theory of economics and organization of enterprise,
usage of theory of enterprise management, usage of theory of economics of the separate countries,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology in applications of economics and economical sciences;
Þ The applications of organization and management – the general questions of applications of organization and management,
usage of theory and methodology of management, usage of theory of state and administration management,
usae of theory of organization of economics management, usage of theory of social management,
usage of theory of prediction, usage of theory of futurology,
usage of theory of strategic management, usage of theory of strategic planning,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology in applications of organization and management;
Þ The applications of other branches of economics – the general questions of applications of other branches of economics,
usage of theory of manufacture of musical instruments, usage of theory of manufacture of fine-art products,
usage of theory of jeweler industry, usage of theory of toys manufacture,
usage of theory of manufacture of sport products, usage of theory of manufacture of writing goods products,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology in applications of other branches of economics;
Þ The applications of sociology – the general questions of applications of sociology,
usage of theory of general problems of modern sociology,
usage of theory of methodology of sociology, usage of theory of technique and technics of sociological researches,
usage of theory of society as system, usage of theory of social relations and processes,
usage of theory of social classes, usage of theory of communities and groups,
usage of theory of sociology of social life spheres, usage of theory of social phenomena and institutes,
usage of theory of sociology of person and behaviour, usage of theory of historical and regional sociology,
usage of theory of sociology, usage of theory of history of sociology,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology in applications of sociology;
Þ The applications of statistics – the general questions of applications of statistics,
usage of theory of general statistics, usage of theory of economical statistics,
usage of theory of branch statistics,
usage of theory of social statistics, usage of theory of international statistics,
usage of theory of statistics of the separate countries and social-economical systems,
usage of theory of organization and management of statistics,
usage of theory of methods and means of gathering (data mining), processing and the analysis of statistical information,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology in applications of statistics.
The place of carrying out, room, date and interval of time
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, “SIO "ACNS"”, from the 01st of June 2018 y. 00:00:00 to the 01st of October 2018 y. 23:59:59
The reporters on the applied scientific researches section
“The applications of economics, management,
sociology, statistics and their other branches” (“SES”)
The scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations on fundamental sciences did not give
3.5.4. The applied scientific researches section
“The applications of the financial analysis, accounting and audit of (credit) organization
based on cognitive modeling technology” (“SFABUA”)(*)
Þ The applications of the financial analysis, accounting and audit (*) –
the general questions of applications of the financial analysis, accounting and audit,
usage of theory of tendencies, dependences and laws of the financial analysis of objects, processes and phenomena,
usage of theory of system, information and coignitive approachs in economics,
usage of theory of structure and functioning dynamics of financial market of economical system of the country,
usage of theory of global purposes of standardization of accounting
and problems of unification of accounting documents (primary registers),
usage of theory of institutional subjects regulating
the creation, distribution and use of international standards,
usage of theory of principles of creation, distribution and use of international standards
of financial and accounting documents,
usage of theory of basic methods of transformation of financial documents prepared
under national standards into documents under international standards,
usage of theory of formation of accounting balance under international standards of financial documents,
usage of theory of qualifying tests of professional participants of financial system of the country,
usage of theory of administrative-legal forms of existence of managing subject,
usage of theory of features of procedure of the financial analysis of managing subject,
usage of theory of organizational structure of enterprise and its features
(educational establishment of education system and information-educational environment),
usage of theory of inflationary depreciation,
usage of theory of discounting and compaunding of money streams in economical system of the country,
usage of theory of indexes of dynamics of financial market and tools,
usage of theory of dynamics and communications of managing subjects,
usage of theory of investment and innovative politics of managing subject
in financial system of the country,
usage of theory of organizational, technological, scientific, methodical, normative-law, information,
hardware, software, brainware, raw, warehouse, personnel and economical preparation of manufacture
and bases of the financial analysis and quality estimation of activity of credit and other organization,
usage of theory of requirements and structure of financial documents of (non)industrial organizational structures,
usage of theory of additional elements of accounting and financial documents of credit organization,
usage of theory of consumers of financial documents,
usage of theory of elements of financial documents connected with changes of financial-economy activity,
usage of theory of simple and consolidated accounting and financial documents,
usage of theory of methods of the financial analysis of different forms of documents,
usage of theory of structure of accounts of the acounting and financial analysis,
usage of theory of the vertical, horizontal and trend analysis
based on analytical coefficients system,
usage of theory of circuit of carrying out of auditor check, the financial analysis and audit,
usage of theory of external and internal control of activity of different organizations,
usage of theory of kinds of bank operations,
usage of theory of structure of accounting balance (form №1),
usage of theory of structure of explanatory note to accounting balance,
usage of theory of structure of report about profits and losses (form №2),
usage of theory of structure of explanatory note to report about profits and losses,
usage of theory of structure of report about change of capital (form №3),
usage of theory of structure of report about movement of monetary resources under accounts (form №4),
usage of theory of structure of explanatory note to report about movement of means,
usage of theory of structure of appendixes to accounting balance (form №5),
usage of theory of structure of report about target use of received means (form №6),
usage of theory of structure of auditor conclusion about results of activity of enterprise,
(credit) organization and organization of The Federal reserve system of The USA,
usage of theory of the analysis of stability of credit organization and commercial bank,
usage of theory of basic analytical coefficients of the financial analysis,
usage of theory of structure of accounting balance and report about profits and losses of enterprise
for introduction of analytical coefficients system,
usage of theory of cognitive modeling technology
with dynamic cloning, verification and subverification,
usage of theory of iterative cycle and technique of use of cognitive modeling technology,
usage of theory of techniques of formation of normative-legal
and information basis for the financial analysis of organization,
usage of theory of technique of additional check of information basis of the financial analysis,
usage of theory of technique of creation and modification of working plan of accounts and model of accounting,
usage of theory of technique of carrying out of the financial analysis of organization condition,
usage of theory of parametrical cognitive models block for the financial analysis
and increases of functioning efficiency of objects, processes and phenomena,
usage of theory of structure of cognitive models for the vertical, horizontal and trend
financial analysis of (credit) organization and enterprise,
usage of theory of representation ways of structure of cognitive model and problem environments:
formal classical of the 0th generation (logical and production models),
nonformal classical of the 0th generation (semantic network, frame network and ontology),
formal new of the 0th generation (calculus of theory of sets and corteges on domains
and innovative calculus of theory of sets and graphs),
nonformal new of the 0th generation (multilevel structural scheme
and multilevel encapsulated pyramids combining theory of graphs and theory of sets),
flat of the 1st generation (cognitive disc and cognitive circle),
volumetric of the 1st generation (cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone and cognitive sphere),
flat and volumetric of the 2nd generation (one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more cognitive disc,
cognitive circle, cognitive cylinder, cognitive cone and cognitive sphere),
hybrid of the 3rd generation (combinations of the existing cognitive models),
usage of theory of algorithm of formation of cognitive model structure,
usage of theory of technique of research of cognitive model parameters,
usage of theory of algorithm of the analysis of a posteriori results of research,
usage of theory of formation and accounting of units of accounting balance
of industrial and non-industrial organization,
usage of theory of calculation of cognitive models parameters
for the vertical, horizontal and trend static and dynamic financial analysis
of (credit) organization in conditions of definiteness and uncertainty,
usage of theory of software for automation of research tasks,
usage of theory of statistical substantiation of practical use of received results,
usage of theory of factors influencing to functioning efficiency of (credit) organization
in economical system,
usage of theory of organization and plan of carrying out of experiment,
usage of theory of research of cognitive models parameters
for the vertical, horizontal and trend financial analysis,
usage of theory of preliminary processing of a posteriori results of diagnostics,
usage of theory of choice of the statistical analysis methods of generated a posteriori data sets,
usage of theory of the analysis of productivity dynamics of financial-economy activity,
usage of theory of the dispersion analysis, the regression analysis, the discriminant analysis, the cluster analysis,
multivariate scaling, the factor analysis, usage of theory of bibliographic lists.
The place of carrying out, room, date and interval of time
RF, Saint-Petersburg city, “SIO "ACNS"”, from the 01st of June 2018 y. 00:00:00 to the 01st of October 2018 y. 23:59:59
The reporters on the applied scientific researches section
“The applications of the financial analysis,
accounting and audit of (credit) organization
based on cognitive modeling technology” (“SFABUA”)(*)
The scientific reports and (or) multimedia-presentations on fundamental sciences did not give
“The IVth international scientific conference on applied sciences
"Improvement of quality of researches and developments in the modern organization:
cognitive approach"” (the 01st-31st of October 2018 y.)
(page 2 from 2 pages)